Some comedies built around characters whose personalities are set in stone and will not change, whatever happens. If you want your Static Character in the central role, just enforce it internally, using a Pygmalion Snapback or a painful collision with Status Quo Is God. A Badass does not have to decay into The Woobie to stay an interesting character-while some consumers may embrace the evolution, others will cry out, " We Want Our Jerk Back!" Such characters are useful in secondary roles, serving as yardsticks against which your central (and Dynamic) character's growth can be contrasted. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as some characters don't need Character Development. These Static Characters can go entire seasons or books without changing or experiencing the Character Development that a more Dynamic Character does.
Likewise some characters, be they Round or Flat, will end a story with much the same personality and traits they began with. Change isn't always a good thing, nor necessary.